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Denny Heck - search results
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RHD Enterprises Celebrates Graduation and Ribbon Cutting
A special visit from Congressman Denny Heck to express his genuine fondness and support of RHD Enterprises and the company’s founder, Rozanne Garman was...
Puget Sound Recovery Caucus Introduces ‘National Orca Protection Month’ Resolution
Submitted by Puget Sound Recovery Caucus
Tomorrow, June 22, the Puget Sound Recovery Caucus, led by U.S. Representatives Denny Heck (WA-10) and Derek Kilmer (WA-06) will...
Thurston County Swearing In Ceremony for Newly Elected Officials
Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall will swear in recently elected officials at South Puget Sound Community College on Thursday, December 28. Sheriff John Snaza...
South Sound YMCA’s Supergala a Super Success
About half the 240 guests that gathered on September 22, 2017 at the Capital Event Center were dressed as super heroes. No, it was...
Hands on Children’s Museum Awarded Grant for Early STEM Learning Program
Submitted by Hands On Children's Museum
The Hands On Children’s Museum just received a major Museums for America federal grant from the Institute of Museum...
Healthy Homes Build Healthy Communities
South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity has been a presence in Thurston County since 1989 and in that time, the organization has partnered with...
Olympia Community Members Advocate for Compassionate Immigration Reform
Submitted by Sitara Nath
“And what makes this country great for me, as an immigrant and now, a United States citizen, is really that America...
Thurston Green Business Recognized at Chamber’s April Forum
A record number of businesses applied for a Thurston Green designation this year and the community will celebrate those businesses at the Chamber's April...
South Sound Climate Action Convention
The Second Annual South Sound Climate Action Convention in downtown Olympia is back in a big way. At this all-day event on Saturday March...
FIfth Annual Valentines for Veterans Program Helps Connects South Sound Students and Veterans
Submitted by the Washington State Legislature
For the fifth annual Valentines for Veterans Drive, Congressman Denny Heck (WA-10) is encouraging students of all ages around...
Food and Art
New Bakery in Olympia, Frenchie’s On 4th, Serves up Delicious Sourdough,...
There is nothing like starting your day with a freshly-baked, local donut. Frenchie's On 4th, a bakery in Olympia, opened August...