Thurston County March Motivational Madness


By Christe Smith

Right now many people in thurston county are preparing for March Madness, the annual college basketball tournament that gets players and fans highly motivated to go all the way and make the winning basket.  
Unfortunately, 80% of the people that set health and fitness goals in January have already dropped out of the game. Most give up due to loss of motivation, boredom, not knowing what to do and a lack of variety. People take themselves out of the game and go back to bad habits because they don’t have that really great coach on the side lines guiding them, pushing them, trying to make them better and motivating them to reach their goal.


A personal trainer is your coach in the real world. One who is certified and experienced  will come up with creative ways to make your work out fresh and fun and will keep you motivated to help you reach your health and fitness goals.


Due to our country’s current economic situation, many people view exercise and fitness as an expendable luxury because they don’t have money for gyms and don’t know where or how to start their exercise routines. Some people don’t realize that you don’t need any equipment at all to have a fun, exciting work out. You can use your own body weight and work out in your own home, at your work place or even in thurston county  local parks.


Some people just need accountability, and a great way to do that is to find someone to buddy up with such as a friend, a spouse or a co-worker who will be waiting for you like a coach, a teammate and a fan.  Whether it’s walking, strength training or a new activity you have always wanted to try, there are numerous and fun ways to get and stay fit.


Others let an injury keep them on the sidelines. Just because you have an injury in one body part (whether it’s a knee or shoulder), don’t let it keep you out of the game. If one body part is injured, just focus on the other areas until it is healed and ready to come off the bench.


There’s no better time to start back up than right now. So, for that 80% of you that have dropped out since January, put your uniform back on, get off the bench and get back in the game!

About the Author:
Christe Smith is the owner of Rock Bottom Personal Training. Rock Bottom serves all of Thurston County and offers customized fitness services in homes, workplaces, local parks and other locations to cater to the client. Rock Bottom has many Professional Certified trainers to help you with all your health needs
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