Submitted by Olympia Farmers Market
The Olympia Farmers Market is the only market in Washington that requires all vendors to produce their products within a county boundary. Until now, the Market has only accepted vendor applications from Grays Harbor businesses that produce products east of the Wynoochee River. The new county boundary includes the four counties of Thurston, Lewis, Mason and the entirety of Grays Harbor.
“I believe the Grays Harbor coastal boundary extension will be a great benefit to the Market and its vendors. This is an opportunity to reach out to those who may not have access to sell their products locally and to diversify the products sold in Olympia. With the numerous farmers, crafters and processors west of the Wynoochee River, I am confident we will attract applicants who will add to our success as a market and provide more for our community,” says Brett Warwick, Director of Operations.
The Olympia Farmers Market is currently operating its High Season and open every Thursday – Sunday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Online shopping is also available with pick up on Saturdays. Learn more at the Olympia Farmers Market website.