I understand the convenience of shopping online. It’s a miracle that so many things are simply one click away. However, it’s good to remember that all kinds of life happen beyond your screen. The unfolding holiday season is bursting with sensual delights: the scent of just-cut pine boughs, biting into a caramel apple, admiring the twinkling lights on people’s houses, and of course, bumping into friends at the Olympia Farmers Market.

Olympia Farmers Market Holiday Shopping Shop Local Laney Clark Silentgoddess
Laney Clark uses a jewelry saw to pierce her delicate creations. Photo credit: Mary Ellen Psaltis

The daylight hours are shorter, but you can stroll the Olympia Farmers Market on Saturdays and Sundays at the usual time between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. There are two bonus days on December 23 and 24. That’s cutting it pretty close to Christmas, but you might see Santa making a few last-minute purchases during the Holiday Shopping Delight. The market is bound to be crackling with holiday energy!

Did you know that more than 80 businesses participate in the Holiday Market? Rising River Farm, one of the produce vendors, offers shiny cabbages, versatile potatoes, leeks, greens and miscellaneous root vegetables. All of these are wonderful ingredients for wintery meals. Some people on your gift list might prefer to get a bouquet of real food. There are plenty of colors from which to choose.

Those with a sweet tooth will want to stop at Chehalis Mints whose packages of holiday treats need no additional wrapping. Blissful Wunders Confectionary Chocolats’ go to great measures to use local ingredients. I’ve discovered the splendid caramel truffle makes me smile.

“I really like making cool stuff for people,” said Laney Clark, owner of silentgoddess. Her delicate silver earrings and other hand-pierced jewelry are so popular that many customers are repeaters.

Every purchase you make at the market supports our local economy. This directly benefits the farmers, artisans and concession vendors. It is also great fun to meet the people who actually grew the food, fashioned the jewelry or cooked your carne asada.

The Market will be closed December 28 and 29 and will reopen Saturday, January 4, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. January, February and March the Market will be open every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. You can get further information about the market by going to Olympia Farmers Market website or by calling the office at 360-352-9096.

Happy Holidays!

Olympia Farmers Market
700 Capitol Way N, Olympia
