Submitted by Olympia Downtown Alliance

The Olympia Downtown Alliance held its 21st Annual Meeting on Monday, January 28, 2019, at The Washington Center for the Performing Arts.

The packed house heard from Alliance Board Chair Josh Gobel of Thomas Architecture Studios, Alliance Executive Director, Todd Cutts and Jessica Bateman, Olympia Mayor Pro-Tem. The evening’s guest speaker was Kate Joncas, former Deputy Mayor of the City of Seattle and former President/CEO of the Downtown Seattle Association.

During the meeting, the Alliance also honored community members with annual awards.

The Alliance honored those who helped make the Volunteers in Paint Program (VIP) successful, bestowing Golden Paintbrush Awards. Congratulations to the VIP Business of the Year, Thomas Architecture Studios and the VIP Volunteer of the Year, Sokha Meas Colbo (and family).

The Alliance awarded ‘Volunteer of the Year’ to Ryan DeCrezenzo, owner of Le Voyeur Café and Lounge. The Alliance awarded ‘Business of the Year’ to Chelsea Farms Oyster Bar and owners Shina Wysocki and Kyle Lentz. Finally, the Alliance awarded ‘Person of the Year’ to Walker John.

“Walker has made significant investments in new development Downtown over the last five years. In fact, he currently has four projects under construction downtown totaling nearly 200 residential units and nearly 20,000 square feet of new commercial space. This is in addition to projects such as the 321 Legion apartments and Commencement Bank/Three Magnets development. Walker’s projects will play a key role in a revitalized downtown, creating new residents, urban champions, and most importantly, loyal customers,” said Dave Wasson, former Olympia Downtown Alliance Board President.

Todd Cutts reviewed the organization’s accomplishments in 2018, which included a re-brand, the introduction of Third Thursday, Do-Bis Business Assistance, increased advocacy, and the introduction of the Safety Team model.

Thank you to Dillinger’s, The Mouse Trap, Sofie’s Scoops and Well 80 for donating food for the event.

Finally, thank you to the Olympia Downtown Alliance Annual Meeting’s presenting sponsor, Olympia Federal Savings.

About the Olympia Downtown Alliance: The Olympia Downtown Alliance does not discriminate in employment or the delivery of services and resources on the basis of age, sex, race, creed, color, sexual orientation, or national origin, or the presence of any physical, mental or sensory disability.

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