Olympia 4th of July Weekend Event Calendar

olympia memorial day events

Editor’s note: You have reached an article from 2015. For the most current 4th of July information, click here.

washington center logoIt’s a simple formula – beautiful sunshine, delicious food on the BBQ, and good friends.  This is the recipe for what makes an Independence Day celebration memorable at our house.  Regardless of how you choose to celebrate your freedom, stick with ThurstonTalk.com.

Show us your patriotic spirit by sharing a photo of how you like to celebrate the 4th of July.  Email it to us at submit@thurstontalk.com.

Here is what is going on around Olympia this weekend.

Submit an event for our calendar here.

ThurstonTalk aims to be your source for positive information and events happening in Olympia. If you have a suggestion for a post, send us a note at submit@thurstontalk.com. For more events and to learn what’s happening in Olympia and the surrounding area, visit our events calendar.