Personal Style: What Is Your Best Color?



lisa poundstone
Lisa Poundsone holds a PhD and an Accredited Staging Professional designation. She also consults on personal style, color, and wardrobes.

Do you know what colors look best on you?  Like many people, you may wander around department stores confused about the colors you should be wearing. Figuring out your colors is simpler than it seems.

Your best color is determined by whether you are “cool-toned” or “warm-toned”.

First, look in the mirror at your skin tone, hair and eye color. Hold up a silver fabric to your face and then hold up a gold cloth. Which color makes you look vibrant and brightens your complexion? Which one washes you out? If the silver fabric makes you look best, then you are cool-toned. If it’s the gold fabric, then you are warm-toned.

Warm or Cool Color Choices
The best neutrals for cool skin tones include black, navy, grey, snow and soft white, silver and anything blue-based. Cool tones are divided into Winter and Summer colors. Winter colors are the jeweled tones of red, blue, green, purple and magenta.  Summer colors are the softer pastel versions of those colors, including pink, light blue, soft green and lavender.

The best neutrals for warm skin tones include brown, navy, olive, camel, cream, gold and anything yellow-based. Warm tones divide into Autumn and Spring colors. Autumn colors include rust, olive green, brown, deep teal and orange. Spring colors are the softer pastel versions of those including peach, tan, light green, aqua and golden yellow.

If you love a certain color but it isn’t your most flattering, you can wear it in a purse, shoes, pants or accessories. Just be sure to wear the color away from your face and wear it with one of the colors that make you look the best.

Wearing your best colors makes you look healthy, gives you confidence and fosters many compliments. As the wise Coco Chanel said, “The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.”

Call Design Smart Home Staging and Redesign at (360) 480-5810 for a wardrobe and style consultation to help you put together a new look with your best colors!


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