Olympia Weekend Event Calendar



lucky eagleThis weekend marks the close of Spring Break for local families with school aged kids.  I, for one, have enjoyed the time with my girls – sleeping in, visiting family, NOT packing lunches each day.  There is an interesting paradox when your children are home on a school break.  You’ve lost the freedom to run errands and make appointments on your own.  Yet, you’ve gained the freedom to indulge all-day adventures, giant late-morning breakfasts, and spur-of-the-moment plans.

As this week of beautiful weather and carefree kids comes to an end, we will enjoy the freedoms that come with our break from routine as well as look forward to the change back to our “normal” next week.    Our weekend events calendar is packed full this weekend with tons of choices for those who want to grab one last all-day adventure or family bonding moment.  Enjoy!

Submit an event for our calendar here.

ThurstonTalk aims to be your source for positive information and events happening in Olympia.  If you have a suggestion for a post, send us a note at submit@thurstontalk.com.  For more events and to learn what’s happening in Olympia and the surrounding area, click here.