South Sound Parent to Parent’s Helping Parent Program Continues to Grow


There is a growing need to expand support for families who have a child with a disability or developmental delay. South Sound Parent to Parent remains a nimble and action-oriented agency, offering a wealth of services to all family members. The Helping Parent Program offers community resources, peer mentorship, social connections through family-centered activities, educational opportunities and assistance in navigating complex health systems. South Sound Parent to Parent wants people to know that its services begin with the birth of the child and last through a lifespan.

People may be familiar with South Sound Parent to Parent’s Early Intervention program that focuses on those from birth to three years of age. However, people may not know that programming doesn’t end at three but continues through their childhood and into adulthood, as needed. As children grow and family needs change, the agency is poised to help.

two people stand by a convertible New Beetle under the Skyline Drive-In Theater sign
Events through South Sound Parent to Parent are designed for families caring for a person with a disability. The annual movie at the Skyline Theater is a favorite. Photo courtesy: South Sound Parent to Parent

South Sound Parent to Parent Offers Hope for Families Living with Disabilities

The Helping Parent program walks with people along their journeys and are able to be there for small and large milestones. Families can feel overwhelmed and lost. Connecting with other parents in similar situations but further along the path promotes an attitude of ‘We can do this.’ “We see that hope,” says DeAnn Bogar, who is a Helping Parent program assistant. A mentor is a resource and can walk alongside another parent. “There are new families every day, and events are growing in attendance,” explains DeAnn.

Helping Parent Programs Near You

When the Early Intervention Program officially ends at the time a child reaches his or her third birthday, the Helping Parent Program keeps families involved. Programs are available in Thurston, Mason and Kitsap counties. In Thurston and Mason, both programs are within South Sound Parent to Parent, which makes for a smooth transition. Many family members and team members already know each other. “We are all right here,” Sylvia Davenport says Helping Parent and Transition program director.

South Sound Parent to Parent Has Parent Match and Peer Support

Kimberly Adams, helping parent coordinator in Kitsap County, works with families to connect people with resources and with other families. Meetings happen both in person and remotely. “With Zoom, we are getting resources to families,” says Kimberly.

People’s needs are amazingly diverse. One parent may be looking for social groups and housing for her adult son who had a brain injury. Other parents have a child on the autism spectrum. The parent match/peer support introduces people to others in similar or parallel situations. “It’s the beauty of the program, someone who understands,” Kimberly adds.

two woman in a parade wave at the camera
Find support for all family members who have a member with a disability. Connect with mom-to-mom, dad-to-dad and sibling groups at South Sound Parent to Parent. Photo courtesy: South Sound Parent to Parent

“Every day we are making progress. We are opening wider to be more accessible to our families,” says Kimberly. She enjoys making the one-on-one parent matches, linking parents who have similar stories and journeys. Kimberly also wants to remind people that South Sound Parent to Parent stays with people across their lifespan.

There are mom-to-mom and dad-to-dad groups, too. “SibShops are a place and time for siblings to be seen and heard. Time is focused on them. They have a great time,” says Kimberly. South Sound Parent to Parent is making inroads at the Early Learning Center for the Suquamish Tribe.

Bi-Lingual Family Support Services in Mason County

The Helping Parent Program has grown by leaps and bounds with the help of Angie Godinez who coordinates the program for both Spanish and English-speaking families. She is involved with nearly 100 families. Being able to communicate in one’s native language makes a world of difference. There is a mom-to-mom support group that happens in Spanish. It meets once a month in person and once a month via Zoom. The groups for siblings are bilingual.  Youth get together to craft, play games, have snacks and talk. Written materials from South Sound Parent to Parent can be obtained in Spanish, too. Angie will complete her certification as a translator later this year, which will mean she can provide even more services for families who may need help in court or other legal areas.

five woman post in front of a fire truck with lots of people milling around. They are holding a banner that says 'south sound parent to parent. 360.3562.1126 with text in spanish and a website:
Bilingual support is in full gear at South Sound Parent to Parent. The agency connects families with a child with a disability to programs, events and resources. Photo courtesy: South Sound Parent to Parent

The recent Mother’s Day picnic was a great success with food, gifts and many families. “It was a big deal,” says Angie. The summer movie night at the Skyline Drive-In takes place on June 20. Families will enjoy “Garfield.”

“I am excited and proud of the Latino community that welcomes me into their homes,” says Angie. She is a mom herself, with three girls from ages 6 to 12. Her family is bi-lingual, including her husband. Angie walks the walk with her families.

South Sound Parent to Parent is a powerful connection for families caring for a person with a disability. Learn more about all programs at the South Sound Parent to Parent website. You can do a self-referral. Visit and subscribe to South Sound Parent to Parent’s Facebook, YouTube Channel, and Instagram. Spanish line: 360.462.0362
