500 People Dive Into Long Lake during Annual Polar Bear Plunge

polar bear plunge
Plunge into Long Lake on January 1. The annual tradition includes costumes and hot cocoa.


By Tom Rohrer

skookum sponsorBefore they took the plunge into the cold, dark water, the hundreds of participants in the City of Lacey Polar Bear Plunge at Long Lake were informed of some startling news – the temperature of the lake was warmer than the air.

This revelation certainly did not lessen the shock felt by the more than 500 participants who took part in what has now become a 30-year Thurston County tradition on New Year’s Day.

According to event coordinators, the temperature of the lake hovered around 43 degrees Fahrenheit, two degrees higher than the measurement on land. Jumpers went into the water in a collection of swimsuits, wetsuits and elaborate costumes.  Santa Claus, Spiderman, a Greek God and a giant gorilla were among the more detailed dress-up efforts.

Once in the water, the previously laughing jumpers all appeared to have the same idea – swim, run and stumble as quickly as possible to dry land.  Once on shore, the cold and wet were able to stand around  fires and warm up before heading home or cheering on the next wave of jumpers.

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