Thurston County Launches Taxpayer Transparency Tool 

Taxpayer Transparency Tool now available


Submitted by Thurston County

Thurston County has launched an online Taxpayer Transparency Tool for taxpayers to see how their county property taxes are distributed across county offices and departments. This new tool covers General Fund spending only; it does not include taxes for county roads, school districts, fire districts, the state, and other taxing jurisdictions. 

“The Commissioner’s Budget Office is dedicated to fiscal transparency. The Taxpayer Transparency Tool answers the question posed by citizens, “Where Does my Property Tax Go?”, said Budget and Fiscal Manager, Nicole Martinez. “Citizens can access the tool directly from the Thurston County budget website. We welcome all taxpayers to see how their property taxes support General Fund public services here in the county.”

The Thurston County 2023 Taxpayer Transparency Tool is now open. Find the tool here or through the Thurston County budget site.