Submitted by Port of Olympia

When you see lights flashing and hear sirens sounding on the Port of Olympia docks on September 9, 7:45 a.m. to 9 a.m., there’s no need to be alarmed! It is not an emergency, but rather a celebration.

The date marks the 60th Annual Foofaraw event. Each year, the Thurston County Chamber and the Olympia Yacht Club transport and host active duty military personnel at Island Home, a private island owned by the Olympia Yacht Club.

As vessels carrying military members pass the Port, they will see the American flag flying above the marine terminal and receive a salute from members of the Port of Olympia staff, various local first responders, and more.

The Port is proud to support this event and honor the many active-duty and retired military personnel that call Thurston County home.

More information about the Foofaraw can be found on the Thurston Chamber website.

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