Hometown Property Management Keeps Landlords Updated on Eviction Moratorium Legislation


In normal years, landlords have the right to evict tenants for typical causes like non-payment of rent, neglecting to care for the yard or smuggling in animals or extra tenants. But as the economy went into freefall during COVID-19, renters have had legislation on their side to prevent them from being evicted. Several new proclamations have been issued and new laws have come into effect but they’re ever-changing, says Donna Palecki, a broker and sales manager with Hometown Property Management.

Hometown Property Management Bldg
The Hometown Property Management team has kept landlords apprised of changing legislation around the eviction moratorium throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo courtesy: Hometown Property Management

This can be frustrating for owners who are not familiar with the laws or are unable to keep up with the changes. “All the paperwork has to be done exactly right,” says Palecki. “One small mistake and you’ll have to start over. Now more than ever you need property management to ensure that these notices are done properly.”  Hometown Property Management has been working with clients over the past year and a half to make sure they understand the federal and state laws around evictions and non-payment and to let them know about available resources.

As an example, landlords cannot evict tenants for past due rent or treat past due rent as enforceable debt until landlords and tenants have had an opportunity to resolve nonpayment through an eviction resolution program. Owners can give rent increases with a 60-day notice and if they’re going to sell the property or move back in, they have to give 90 days’ notice and sign an affidavit in front of a notary.

Non-payment of rent has been alleviated by hundreds of millions of dollars from both federal and state programs aimed at keeping landlords afloat. Locally, Palecki and her colleagues have relationships with several local organizations and can assist with getting back due rent for owners. “We take care of the process and make sure everything is correct,” she explains. “Real estate is one of your biggest investments, and it’s worth spending a few dollars to make sure it’s done right.”

Learn more by visiting Hometown Property Management website or calling 360.456.7368.


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