PSE Foundation Opens Competitive Grant Program To Help Communities HEAL From the COVID-19 Pandemic

The program will award $600,000 to local community-based public charity organizations throughout PSE’s service area before the end of the year


Submitted by Puget Sound Energy

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our local communities with disproportionate impacts on those already marginalized and most vulnerable, the Puget Sound Energy (PSE) Foundation has once again committed to helping communities HEAL. With ongoing and exacerbated challenges faced by communities, including racial inequities or health and welfare insecurities, the 2021 grant awards will focus on the most immediate needs such as housing, food, childcare and other essential services.

The PSE Foundation, which is a nonprofit entity operating independently of PSE but helps the communities PSE serves, will award $600,000 before the end of this year to local community-based public charity organizations. Additionally, PSE Foundation commits to intentionally allocating a significant of this funding to organizations addressing the needs of communities of Black, Indigenous and People of Color.

Local nonprofit organizations located and providing services within PSE’s 10 county service area (Island, King, Kitsap, Kittitas, Lewis, Pierce, Snohomish, Skagit, Thurston, and Whatcom counties) can apply for a grant to be selected through a competitive process. The deadline to apply is August 31. The Foundation encourages grant requests that enable local community nonprofits to deliver HEALing services, programs or products which can be quickly deployed and implemented to provide relief. 

“This continues to be a challenging time for Puget Sound Energy customers, and communities and for the organizations that support them,” said PSE Foundation Chairman and President Andy Wappler. “Our program was designed to support and help fund the indispensable programs that enable nonprofit organizations to make a real and positive difference in people’s lives by helping bridge insecurities related to their health or welfare. We are proud to demonstrate our values of doing what’s right and helping however we can.”

Puget Energy, the parent company of Puget Sound Energy, created the PSE Foundation, an independent nonprofit entity, in 2006 to continue its legacy of leadership and community support.  The Foundation makes charitable contributions to qualifying 501(C)3 organizations to keep communities safe, supported and thriving where PSE serves and has facilities. None of the PSE Foundation’s funds come from PSE’s utility customers.

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