Lacey South Sound Chamber Members Are Making A Difference


2020 has been a whopper of a year, and it’s been a bit overwhelming for lots of people, but don’t forget, there are plenty of positive things happening, especially in our corner of the world. “There is so much good going on throughout Thurston County, and I just want to make sure that people know about all the wonderful things that are happening,” says Shyanne Sanchez, office administrator for the Lacey South Sound Chamber. “Our chamber members are out there doing a lot of great things.” So, if you’re in the mood for some good news, read on to learn about all the great things being done by businesses in our area.

Sandstone Distillery Steps Up

Sandstone distillery makes hand-crafted spirits, but with the COVID-19 outbreak, they saw an opportunity to use their skills to help the community. Photo courtesy: Lacey South Sound Chamber

Sandstone Distillery may be known for the finest spirits in the region, but with a nationwide shortage of hand sanitizer, the distillery switched gears and used their scientific knowledge and distilling skills and equipment to begin producing hand sanitizer to fill the growing need within the community. The high proof ethanol alcohol-based product is specifically formulated to meet guidelines for health and safety.

The Chamber is also working with Sandstone Distillery to create a special limited-quantity, members-only hand sanitizer to support chamber businesses as they move forward into the new reopening phases.

DZines and the Lacey South Sound Chamber Launch a Campaign

In partnership with DZines: Creative Solutions & Graphic Designs, the Lacey South Sound chamber has launched an apparel campaign that will feature Lacey and help residents and visitors alike show Lacey Pride. The specially designed apparel will be released in conjunction with a new campaign to promote visiting Lacey and supporting small businesses, says Sanchez.

New Life Baptist Church Keeps the Faith

Keeping in touch with the congregation was a top priority for Archbishop Lorenzo Peterson of the New Life Baptist Church in Lacey. Virtual bible studies, email communication, and phone calls helped church members keep close with the ministry during the shutdown. Photo courtesy: Lacey South Sound Chamber

New Life Baptist Church knows how important it is for members to have support from their faith community. They’ve been holding bible studies through YouTube on Tuesdays and Fridays at 4:00 p.m., taught by Senior Pastor Archbishop Lorenzo Peterson. Peterson also sends out video and audio messages.  Embracing all technological tools available to help spread the message of faith, the New Life Baptist Church also has been utilizing monthly zoom meetings and weekly e-blasts filled with ministry updates. “The Deaconate ministry, as well as Bishop Peterson, maintains communication with families of the church through regular phone calls.” Says Sarah Smith, member of the Board of Directors.

West Coast Fitness is Going Strong

West Coast Fitness Lacey has been going the extra mile for their members. In order to keep health and fitness accessible, they offered gym equipment checkout on many items to encourage members to stay active while the gym was closed. With the phased reopening schedule, they are once again excited to be open for returning and new members.

Athena Fitness Reaches Out

Being a brand-new business just as COVID-19 began presented a challenge for Athena Fitness and Wellness, but they weren’t going to let a little shutdown stand in the way of good health. They held regular fitness classes over Facebook, Zoom, and Instagram to help members and people in the community stay healthy. Photo courtesy: Lacey South Sound Chamber

Athena Fitness and Wellness knows that staying home and staying healthy isn’t complete without exercise. During the ‘Stay Home Stay Healthy’ shutdown, they offered virtual classes between five and six days a week. “We shared classes on Facebook, Instagram, and Zoom, “says Tiffany Krueger, owner and operator. Response to the online classes was positive and they saw many in regular attendance as well as lots of new faces. The classes were open to both members and the community. “We felt it was most important to give our community health in a time that was very stressful for many people,” she says, “and it helped us stay connected with our members and new people as well.”

Being a very new business made the shutdown particularly difficult for Athena Fitness. Because the business was so new, they didn’t qualify for federal aid programs, but they didn’t let that stop them. “We are really excited to be back with the phased reopenings,” says Krueger. With phase three, they will be opening up their salt room and their full-spectrum infrared sauna, two areas of their facility that they weren’t able to open prior to the shut-down. “We should have appointments ready to book in the next couple weeks,” she adds.

These days certainly are unusual, and sometimes they are even trying, but there are a lot of people, organizations and local businesses out there making the best of it. The Lacey South Sound Chamber looks forward to supporting its members through all of the phase reopenings. The shutdown has been an opportunity to see the best creativity and perseverance of Chamber members. Follow the Lacey South Sound Chamber on Facebook or Instagram to keep up with Chamber events and to learn more about Chamber members.
