Submitted by City of Tenino
Thanks to funding provided by Thurston County Parks and approved by the Thurston County Commissioners, the City of Tenino has selected the firm of Lenkerbrook Stoneworks to construct a replacement retaining wall in the Tenino City Park that will feature a Veteran’s Memorial and highlight the contributions of labor to the City and especially Veteran’s hailing from Tenino.
The wall, and memorial will be constructed of “monument grade” Columbia Granite using a traditional “dry stacking” stone walling technique and will feature native Tenino Sandstone highlights. The Veteran’s Memorial will include brick pavers that the Tenino VFW Post has been selling for the last several years to raise money for the project, and will also feature a number of Columbia Granite monoliths which will be engraved with the names of those Tenino (and surrounding area) Veterans who have fallen in our Nation’s Wars since World War I, flags for the various branches of service, and a National Standard that will meet all the requirements for 24/7 display according to the Flag Code. The entire structure is designed to complement the other projects the City is undertaking within the Park.
Thurston County will reimburse the City up to $150,000.00 for the “planning, design, construction, contract administration, project coordination, and all other work and resources necessary to construct improvements within the County’s Yelm-Tenino corridor right of way that will provide a pedestrian pathway, remove an existing wooden retaining wall, and install a new ornamental wall (i.e. Memorial Wall) of similar function,” according to the terms of the Interlocal Agreement between the County and the City.
Documents available at City Hall show the project was let out to bid using the “Small Works Roster” process. Two firms on Tenino’s roster were qualified to bid on the project. Lenkerbrook Stoneworks, LLC, is an Olympia company who specializes in such municipal projects. Their work is on display at “Tumwater Falls Park” in Tumwater, amongst other places. The City is currently negotiating the terms of a contract with the goal of beginning work the first full week of June.