While the world of Boy Scouts is fairly well known, not as many people are familiar with all the time, energy, costs and more that go into ensuring each scout has the most rewarding and fulfilling opportunity with the program. One of the initiatives that helps scouts continue to receive funding and support is the Friends of Scouting Luncheon of which the Pacific Harbors Council held on March 7, 2018.

pacific harbors boy scouts
Daniel Konzelman spoke about the day he rescued victims of the tragic train derailment in December. | Photo credit: Spencer Spotts

This year’s luncheon took place at the Olympia Country and Golf Club which provided guests beautiful Budd Inlet views as long time supporters and previous scouts cherished the moment to connect with one another. Jerry Farmer from 94.5 ROXY opened the event with laughs and smiles. Lisa Hallett, Executive Director and co-founder of wear blue: run to remember, gave a keynote presentation on pushing forward in honor of America’s fallen.

Another special guest this year was Daniel Konzelman, an Eagle Scout from the Pacific Harbors Council who rescued victims of the train derailment in December. Konzelman spoke about how his experiences as a scout prepared him for leadership and service the day of the derailment, then he was awarded a special honor medal from the council.

pacific harbors boy scouts
Marlee Perez, a 7 year old Tiger Scout, became the first girl to join the council. | Photo credit: Spencer Spotts

Other key figures from the Pacific Harbors Council addressed the room and shared stories of why scouting has been so influential in the lives those they love. The room also celebrated the recent expansion of scouts to include members who are girls. Marlee Perez, currently a Tiger Scout, was introduced and congratulated on being the first girl to join this council.

Be sure to follow Pacific Harbors Council for future events and ways to give back to their scouts. To donate, visit their website here.