Olympia Weekend Event Calendar

Colorful sunset over Mount Rainier
Photo credit: Renee Fields Photography


March is certainly not coming in like a lion, as the saying goes, but more like the lamb predicted for months end.  Another sunny weekend is in store here in Thurston County with unseasonably warm temperatures through Sunday.   Get outside with your family and enjoy our unseasonably warm days and spring-like sunshine.   Strike out for the woods on a day hike or maybe hit the beach for a sunny stroll.  Try your balance on a stand up paddle board for some quiet time on the water or join your community for a colorful and fun weekend festival.  Whatever you choose from our list of fun below, remember to turn your face to the sun and drink in a little early season vitamin D.

Submit an event for our calendar here.

ThurstonTalk aims to be your source for positive information and events happening in Olympia. If you have a suggestion for a post, send us a note at submit@thurstontalk.com. For more events and to learn what’s happening in Olympia and the surrounding area, click here.