360 Fitness Launches Running Group, Run360



Submitted by 360 Fitness

Average woman runnerRunning has long been considered a solitary sport with its greatest facet being its simplicity; fortunately, running can also be a sociable sport with a myriad of benefits. If you’ve decided that you’d like to be a runner, you want to lose weight, get fit, or just generally feel better about yourself but haven’t been able to muster the motivation to get one foot in front of the other, a running group could be your answer! A running group provides a great atmosphere of like-minded people to boost motivation and encourage you to reach your goals. You will not only expand your social circle, but you will become part of a family that cares about your success and holds you accountable while encouraging you to strive for your health and fitness goals.

In addition to the sought-after social standpoint, there are a number of benefits to running with sole-mates; most importantly, safety is greatly enhanced. In the unlikely event of an injury, there are other runners to lend a hand. Also, a runner is much less likely to be approached by a stranger, or potential attacker, if they are in a group. Group running can also help improve personal performance. Surrounding ones’ self with individuals of a similar mindset, inspired by similar fitness goals, runners are more likely to push themselves harder in order to conquer and surpass their goals.

Run 360 was formed as a secondary outlet for the clients of 360 Fitness who wished to elevate their progress; thus, Run 360 was born. 360 Fitness is a boutique personal training and group fitness studio, located on the Westside of Olympia, specializing in individualized instruction from personal trainer Jennifer Willms. As the owner and sole trainer of the studio, Jenn is able to cater to the specific goals and needs of each client based on their individual fitness levels. Training sessions are in a group setting and focus on the main components of physical fitness – muscular strength and endurance, cardio respiratory training, flexibility and core training.

As clients of 360 Fitness have become more committed and applied themselves during cross training sessions, they have not only elevated their physical abilities, but have fueled the desire to augment their fitness routine with more physical elements, such as running races and mud/obstacle runs; naturally, a running group makes sense.

Run 360 was formed with the sole intent to support and encourage the running habit and is, therefore, committed to contributing to the local community by promoting running as a lifestyle and improving the fitness of the community as a whole. Join us as we train for the Capital City Half-Marathon and 5 Miler taking place on May 18, 2014. Find more information about the race and course here.

The Drill:

olympia personal trainer
360 Fitness fosters an atmosphere of community and family.

Who: Anyone who wants to run. You can even run/walk if you are just getting into running, recovering from injury, or just want to get outside and be active.

When: Saturdays at 8:30am beginning January 18.

Where: Typically, the group will meet at 360 Fitness but location will vary weekly depending on the run.

Why: To get out, to get active, to get healthy, and to set goals.

How: Lace up and hit the road with your fellow sole-mates.

Cost: $85 for the full 16 weeks. Includes shirt, all group runs, and more! Find out all the group specifics at the meeting listed below. Portion of proceeds will benefit a local charity.

An informational meeting to kick-off Run 360 is scheduled for Saturday, January 11th, 2014 at 10:30am. The meeting will be held at the 360 Fitness studio located at 2703 Capital Mall Drive Suite 102. The meeting is free. This meeting will provide more detail regarding: days/times that runs will take place, length(s) of runs, cost to join, and varying training programs that are geared toward the upcoming Capital City Half-Marathon and 5 Miler.

** For more information about Run 360 or 360 Fitness, please contact Jennifer at info@360fitness.me or visit 360 Fitness online.  Read Jennifer’s story and how 360 Fitness came to be here.

Put your sole into it, and together we’ll move miles! aRe yoU iN?