Submitted by Allison Barker for Fisher Jones Family Dentistry

When the news was delivered, I was thrilled and overjoyed. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington had raised over $225,000, more than $100,000 more than last year!
On Saturday, October 5, 2013 nearly 400 people attended the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington Auction at Great Wolf Lodge. It was a fun-filled and inspiring evening that helped showcase the local non-profit organization. The black-tie fundraiser raised money to fund matches between Bigs (adults) and Littles (kids) right here in our community.
Many of us are blessed to have a family that we spend quality time with. We enjoy our weekends together, sit down to family dinners, visit local attractions, and cheer at sporting events. These are some of life’s little blessings, all of which are often taken for granted.
Many children, in our community, are missing these valuable experiences. Some families have been split and some children do not have parents that can be with them all the time. These children are without a positive role model, and there are many of these children right here in our community.
A positive role model is someone who a child can rely on for guidance, a person they can look up to and will serve as a vital part of a child’s growth into an adult.

Enter Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington. Our Olympia office provides an amazing service of matching children with a positive mentor. It costs Big Brothers Big Sisters about $1,500 per year to facilitate and support each match.
After a comprehensive background check and application process, a match is made based on common interests and personalities. Once a Big and Little are matched, they receive continuous professional support, which includes contact between each Big, Little and the parent/guardian and professional staff. Big Brothers Big Sisters ensures that the relationship is growing into a positive, healthy, safe environment. This organization strongly believes that children have the right to succeed in life, no matter what their situation may be.
I donate my time every year to be a part of this growing organization. I do it because I believe every child should be surrounded by loving, positive people that help teach, encourage and uplift them. I am extremely blessed to have grown up with so many wonderful influences, and I truly believe that Big Brothers Big Sisters can help do that for so many youth in our community. The staff and volunteers are making a difference in people’s lives, and that fills me with such joy and gratitude.
What can you do to help make an impact on children’s lives in our community? Volunteer, donate, become a Big! Our local dental office, Fisher Jones Family Dentistry, proudly supports the growth of our youth in the community and has become a financial supporter of the organization. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington has four major fundraising events throughout the year: the BIG Breakfast, Bowl for Kids Sake, the BIG Swing Golf Tournament, and the BIG Auction. Get involved, attend one of these fabulous events – they are fun, and they help to raise the much-needed funds to support the Big Brothers Big Sisters office of Southwest Washington.
Think outside the box, and be aware of other’s lives and stories. Help your community to be the best it can be.
To learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington visit www.swwabigs.org or call 360-943-0409