2014 Thurston County WSU Master Gardener Training

Dirt Works
The Dirt Works Garden is maintained by Thurston County Master Gardener volunteers.

Submitted by Thurston County Extension

gardeningWashington State University Thurston County Extension is currently accepting applications for its 2014 Master Gardener volunteer training.

Next to digging in the dirt, there’s almost nothing gardeners enjoy more than learning about their favorite plants. One of the easiest ways to increase your gardening knowledge is to enroll in WSU Extension’s Master Gardener course next spring. For forty years, Washington State University Extension has been training Master Gardener volunteers in the science and art of gardening.  Volunteers who attend the comprehensive course will learn the latest information on how to successfully grow their favorite ornamentals, veggies, fruit, and a whole lot more.

There is a perception that to become a WSU Master Gardener you must know everything about gardening.  This is unrealistic and untrue.  To be a WSU Thurston County Master Gardener you must have some gardening experience but more importantly you must commit to sharing accurate gardening information with our community.

Thurston County WSU Master Gardeners are volunteers trained in all aspects of home gardening which they, in turn, share with members of the community who have gardening or insect questions. Some of the training topics include:

  • water-wise gardening
  • how to grow your own food
  • low-impact landscaping
  • diagnosing plant diseases
  •  identifying insects/pests
  • and much more……

We provide a number of different venues, including demonstration gardens, community booths and question/answer clinics through which volunteers deliver these messages.

The WSU Master Gardener training will also teach you how to access the latest researched-based information from Washington State University faculty, staff, and nationwide partners on subjects you may not know too much about.  You will become part of over 200 Thurston County WSU Master Gardeners who have very diverse backgrounds of gardening expertise and interests. As a result of this diversity you will have fun learning from one another while making lifelong friendships.

Classes will be held at a training room in Lacey.

To be considered for one of the limited training spots you must complete an application and attend a pre-orientation session. Pre-orientation sessions are held at the Thurston County Extension Office in West Olympia, directions are included in the application packet. At these sessions you will learn what it takes to be a WSU Master Gardener. This includes program expectations as well as all the benefits you will receive being a WSU Master Gardener. The following sessions will allow you to see if the WSU Master Gardener Program is a right fit for you. No pre-registration needed.

  • January 10th from 4:30pm to 6:00pm
  • January 14th from 10:30pm to 12:00pm
  • January 21st from 4:30pm to 6:00pm
  • January 23rd from 4:30pm to 6:00pm

Upon acceptance into the program a $275 class fee will be collected.  Since we are a self-sustaining program the training fee covers all class materials and field trips. Scholarships are available for those in need. Payment plans are available for those who are interested.

To learn more or to download an application packet visit our website at http://county.wsu.edu/thurston  Click on the “WSU Master Gardener” heading.

The training class does have a cap and will be filled on a first come, first served basis with those who meet the criteria. If there is still room the very last date to apply is Friday, January 17, 2014.