Start Today To Change Tomorrow – The Benefits Of TRX And Personal Training



Submitted by Diane Mark, Di-Namic Fitness, LLC

Have you been doing all the right things: eating right, working out and still not seeing results?   Obviously the results you want are to look and feel great.  The way you achieve this is through increased muscle mass and decreased body fat along with a healthy cardiovascular system.

So what is between you and success?  For me it was not knowing exactly what I needed to do to achieve the results I wanted.  Then I discovered the power of a personal trainer – someone who has the knowledge and experience to help you achieve your goals.

I had been working out regularly for many years but still did not see the results I wanted – toned muscle definition & getting rid of that last 15 pounds.  I was beginning to get frustrated when it all came to a halt in September 2010.  I had a spinal injury that caused my leg to become weak and numb, my foot had a drop to it when I walked and I was looking at possible surgery. I was not able to exercise – there was to be no lifting, no rotation, no flexion, no extension but I was determined to beat this injury without surgery.

After months of working with a physical therapist she referred me to a personal trainer.  That is when I discovered the real power of a personal trainer.  My trainer helped me safely and effectively strengthen and condition my body again and the results I saw far exceeded my expectations. Through proper training and exercise I am now stronger than I was prior to the injury and no surgery was needed.  My experience helped me realize the many benefits of a personal trainer such as:

  • Pushes you beyond what you think you can do (you will be amazed…really)
  • Designs a workout for your maximum benefit:  like increase strength, cardiovascular endurance and conditioning, and stability
  • Maximizes your workout time
  • Mixes up the routine, a lot of people get in a habit of set exercises which the body becomes accustomed to without being challenged
  • Makes you accountable
  • Keeps you focused on your goals

Through my own personal experience with a trainer I discovered the tremendous benefits of the TRX Suspension Training System.  Total body Resistance eXercise is a total body suspension system originally developed for the Navy Seals. Since then it is used by almost all professional sports including NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, triathlon, tennis, skiing, snowboarding, etc.

The TRX is a method of training for anyone who wants to safely and rapidly improve their fitness.  TRX suspension system includes 100’s of exercises that makes it a versatile and effective training solution regardless of age, gender or fitness level of the user.

With a suspended strap and using your own body weight as resistance, the TRX allows us to train like we live, moving in all planes of motion at once; thereby increasing strength, stamina and stability.  The TRX Suspension Training System allowed me to safely increase resistance, strengthen my core and improve my fitness as I continued to recover.

At the time of my injury it seemed like a negative incident in my life; however in less than 2 years I realized it was the best thing that could have happened to me at that time.  The injury  lead to a chain of events that helped me redirect my career to what is really interesting and important to me – helping people achieve their health and fitness goals so they too can enjoy life to the fullest.

Now I would like to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.  Come in for a free intro to the TRX Training System. It really is this easy to Start Today to Change Tomorrow!                      

Diane Mark, second from right

Diane Mark
Di-Namic Fitness, LLC
Located at Impact Fitness
1025 Black Lake Blvd, Suite 2E
Olympia, WA  98502
360.701.0297 (cell)
360.464.4559 (studio)

All photos provided by Diane Mark.

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