Women’s Self Love Workshop On Valentine’s Day!

February 14, 2021 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Stay Home and Stay Healthy
Shelly Haas

Ladies, I invite you to join me on Valentine’s day for an intimate online workshop focused on cultivating self-love. (Just 5 spaces available)


The intention of this workshop is for you to leave with a deeper understanding of self-love, the importance of it, and a plan for yourself to take action in cultivating a deeper sense of self-love within yourself & your life.

We will create a safe & comfortable space together so that you feel at ease in sharing and doing the work you have shown up to do. I am limiting this workshop to 5 women and ask that everyone joins with their camera & partakes to create this environment together online.

We will spend 4 hours diving deep into the topic of self-love and focus on you cultivating a deeper sense of self-love within yourself. We’ll do this through discussion, personal and group exercises, journaling, & guided mediation.

You will not be glued to the screen for 4 hours, I promise! ? There will be breaks for personal journaling exercises as well as a long & relaxing guided meditation break.
I believe that self-love is at the core of feeling good in ourselves & our lives, something that we all desire.
I believe that we all want to live in a more loving world and that this work begins with ourselves.
When you love yourself, a ripple effect happens around you. You surround yourself in love. You spread love. You have more love to give. You can more easily receive love. You make decisions that reflect your love. All of this creates a ripple effect in your home, your workplace, your neighborhood, your community, your country, your world.
Join me & let’s create that ripple.
In order to keep an intimate feeling environment, I am limiting this workshop to just 5 women. I will remove the option to register once it has filled.

I am offering this workshop on a sliding scale. Pay what you can $40-$80.


1) Click the link below. This will bring you to a page on my website where you can send your payment. https://shellyhaas.com/online-workshops/womens-self-love-workshop-on-valentines-day

2) After sending your payment, confirm your spot by dropping me an email with your name and phone number from your preferred email contact. shelly@shellyhaas.com

3) I will confirm your spot via email & send you details for the day!

Are you interested, but you have some questions? Please feel free to give me a call or drop me an email, I’d love to hear from you!

You can let go of blame and shame.
You can let go of anger.
You are able to stand in your power.
You become responsible for your life and your happiness.
You feel more deeply connected.
You are more aware of your needs and are able to make them a priority.
You show up authentically in the world and live your purpose.
The more you love and accept yourself, the more you are able to love and accept others around you
Self-sabotaging stops.
You can easily set loving boundaries.
You allow yourself to be human, stop competing with others and stop trying to prove yourself to anyone.
You worry a lot less about what others think.
You no longer feel like a victim.
You are more resilient.
You know you are enough. More than enough.
Love replaces fear.
You are more easily able to tap into and trust your intuition.
You have more love to give without feeling depleted.
Self-love feeds creativity, openness, and inspiration.
Your relationships heal and grow in beautiful ways.
You stop thinking small because you no longer fear living big.
Your inner light shines naturally.
The feeling of scarcity is replaced with a feeling of abundance.

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