The IN TEAM B2B Networking

January 25, 2017 @ 7:30 am – 9:00 am
South Sound Manor
455 North Street SE
Tumwater, WA 98501
Alan Shimamoto

Our Vision – For the IN TEAM and our members to become the premier resource for business referrals in our local community.

Our Mission – To connect businesses and people through intentional relationships.

The IN TEAM is an Intentionally Networking membership based group that will be focused on a culture of intentionally building relationships, community, connections, referring business, and helping each other personally and professionally.

If you know of a business that could benefit from an amazing community of people, please invite them to come as your guest and SHARE this event.

We meet weekly each Wednesday from 7:30 am to 9:00 am at Sound Sound Manor in Tumwater, WA.

We have no mandatory attendance requirements. Members who show up will have the most advantages to building their business. We are currently 100+ Members strong.

We will be joining forces with some of the best networkers around which will provide opportunities to intentionally connect, share, and ultimately helping increase the bottom line for all our members.

You won’t want to miss it. It’s going to be AMAZING and unlike anything this area has ever seen!


I ntentionally
N etworking

T ogether
E veryone
A chieves
M ore