113 5th Avenue Southeast
Olympia, WA 98501
We get more done when we focus our attention on one activity at a time.
However, our current work and community culture encourages trying to accomplish multiple things at once. Multi-tasking creates many partially completed tasks on your to-do list at any one time. Switching back and forth between these tasks wastes time, reduces your feeling of accomplishment in a given day, and the mental strain of trying to remember where you are with each item can be exhausting.
In this class you will learn how to stop attempting to multi-task and get more done while feeling less stressed. We will explore how to set goals for each area of your life, and how to prioritize activities based on those goals. You will learn practical techniques to schedule when and if an activity will be accomplished and how to deal with interruptions by quickly determining if a new activity is worth interrupting your current activity or if it can be scheduled for later. This is an interactive class that will include lecture, discussion, and hands-on workshop.
Instructor: Liana Francisco. Liana is a management consultant and wellness coach. Her wellness coaching practice focuses on helping clients achieve balance in their lives. Liana challenges her clients to make incremental change every day toward a more balanced, peaceful, happy and successful life.
To register, contact Liana at (360) 359 1290 or connect@lianafrancisco.com