Overdose Awareness & Narcan Training

June 27, 2019 @ 6:00 pm
Community Care Center
225 State Ave NE
Providence Community Care Center
360 515 5646

We are in the midst of a nationwide opioid crisis. In 2016, 422,249 lives were lost in the US. This is five times higher that the number of deaths in 1999, and by comparison, opioids killed more people in 2016 than were killed in car accidents, by guns or from breast cancer. In Washington state alone, opiates were involved in 1,102 death in 2016. These numbers don’t include the countless overdose reversals occurring daily by friends, family members, first responders, police officers, librarians, teachers, social service workers and more.
Narcan reverses opioid overdose and saves lives. In this workshop, we will explore who is at risk of an overdose, what causes overdose, what overdose looks like and how to reverse an overdose with Narcan.

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