April is many things to many people, and the same is true for Boggs Inspection Services. While you might be thinking about April showers bringing May flowers to your garden, the Boggs team is thinking about how this is the best time of year to uncover drainage issues and leaks. But April is another important time of year for Boggs Inspection Services: Autism Awareness Month.

What is Autism?

Photo courtesy: Washington Autism Alliance and Advocacy

Odds are, someone you know is affected by autism. The CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network states that about 1 in 54 children are identified as having autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is a complex neurological disorder that usually manifests in early childhood. Typically, ASD impacts social interaction and often accompanies difficulty in learning. Because ASD occurs on a spectrum, the impact it has on learning, social skills and communication looks different for each individual. And the scope and severity of symptoms can change over time. Improvement or regression can be heavily influenced by resources and support.

Autism doesn’t just impact individuals, it impacts families. When a child is diagnosed with autism, families find themselves faced with challenges they probably never expected in raising children. They find themselves raising a child with special needs, and while most parents rise to the challenge, it is a difficulty best faced with support from experts and the community.

Photo courtesy: Washington Autism Alliance and Advocacy

Fortunately, great strides have been made in understanding ASD. “There is much more acceptance and autism awareness in most communities,” says Arzu Forough, president and chief executive officer of Washington Autism Alliance and Advocacy (WAAA). Researchers now know that the causes of ASD are as complex and unique as the individual. There is no one cause of autism, rather many different conditions, both genetic and environmental, that influence the likelihood that a person will display symptoms that place them on the autism spectrum.

But there is still more to learn. Research into the causes and therapies for ASD can help support individuals to continue to be included and heard within society. Support for families is critical to helping individuals overcome learning difficulties while developing skills in communications.

How Boggs Inspection Services Is Helping

Dwayne Boggs recognizes that many families are impacted by ASD. “Dwayne has a big heart for kids,” says Heather Derrick, content marketing specialist for Boggs Inspection Services. “Once he was educated about children with autism and the impact it has on their lives, as well as their families, he immediately wanted to learn how to help.” That is why Boggs Inspection Services will donate five dollars for every inspection during the month of April to WAAA. Over the years Boggs Inspection Services has donated over $3,000 to the organization to help families impacted by autism.

“WAAA expands access to healthcare, education, and services for people with autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities in Washington State,” says Forough. “At these times of economic uncertainty, we’re working hard to ensure that vital services and resources remain available to those who need them most.”

Dwayne Boggs, owner of Boggs Inspection Services, presenting donation check to Washington Autism Alliance and Advocacy. Photo courtesy: Boggs Inspection Services

WIAA has helped thousands of families every year. “They become stewards, champions and advocates for their children living with Autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities.” Donations to WAAA mean more children with ASD will receive health insurance coverage for critical treatments that are often denied, says Forough. “And more parents will build connections to other families facing similar struggles while learning how to best advocate for their children’s needs and navigate complex systems,” she adds.

The commitment made by Boggs Inspection Services and other business leaders to support the WAAA is essential to families impacted by ASD. “Although there remain significant barriers to accessing basic essential services in Thurston and Pierce counties, there are also a lot of caring community leaders stepping up to help,” says Forough. “Boggs Inspection Services is such an example.”

To schedule a home inspection during April in support of Autism Awareness Month, call Boggs Inspection Services at 360-480-9602 or 253-267-8600, or go online to the Boggs Inspection Services website. In Accordance with Governor Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy Order, Boggs Inspection Services inspections are still available. All Boggs inspections will adhere to the strict social distancing guidelines established by the CDC and specific protocols outlined in the Governor’s order.
