As the weather warms up, it’s a great time for spring cleaning. Organizing the home can reduce stress, create a healthier environment, and is a way to save money. Reduce costs on chores and projects with a little elbow grease, do-it-yourself ingenuity, and planning ahead.

FirstLight Home CareThe first step to a clean home is reducing clutter. Earn cash while tidying up by selling gently used clothing to resale boutiques like Dumpster Values. Shops like Poppet Olympia take trade-ins on gently used kids clothing and toys. Clear out the garage and turn unused sports equipment into cash by consigning it at Olympia Gear Exchange.

Get the whole family involved by clearing out closets, toys, and unwanted items. Local groups such as Thurston County Area: Free, Wanted, For Sale are an easy way to rid the house of clutter and make a few bucks. Or try hosting a garage sale or participating in a neighborhood or community sale.

Reuse centers are a great place to find new decor, rugs, curtains, and linens to freshen up a home with a new style. Find by-the-pound household items at the Goodwill Outlet. Drop off your own unneeded items or garage sale leftovers at a non-profit thrift store such as Budd Bay Bargains for tax savings later.

Thrift Store
Thrift stores offer a place to get rid of unwanted items for free. They are also a great place to save on organizational tools. Get affordable bins, hanging closet systems, and baskets for small items that help keep clutter contained. Photo credit: A Second Time Around Thrift Store

Save money on grocery bills by organizing and cleaning out food storage spaces. Often items are lost and bought again. Take inventory of ingredients and know what is really needed at the grocery store and not just lost in a cluttered pantry.

Refresh with items on hand and a little DIY. Reuse an old piece of furniture for a new purpose. Jazz up a bedroom by painting a dresser a bold new color. Update wall art with a fun family project and up-cycle the old frames.

Americans spend approximately $42 per month on cleaning supplies. Save and clean green with homemade cleaning products. Affordable basic cleaning ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, and natural soaps are easy to find in bulk. Add essential oils for customization. Save on paper products by using old towels or cut up worn-out t-shirts to make cleaning rags.

A deep cleaning by professionals is expensive. Save on big projects like cleaning carpets or pressure washing grimy outdoor areas by doing it yourself. Easy to use machines are available to rent at Lew Rents. Or, when possible, borrow equipment from a friend or neighbor for an even more affordable alternative.

Cleaning forgotten areas of a home can have long-term cost savings. By pulling the refrigerator out and cleaning the coils or changing filters on heating and cooling systems reduces electric costs. For an efficient dryer, clean the lint trap and hose.

Dusting lamps and washing windows and screens will brighten a space, which also can reduce electric use. With the sun shining, open windows and let the house breath.

Essential Oil for Spring Cleaning
Essential oils offer powerful antibacterial properties with the added bonus of lovely scents. Try lavender, tea tree, citrus, and peppermint in homemade cleaning recipes and for a natural air freshener in any room. Photo credit: Krysta Carper

Laundry is another chore where costs can be reduced with a few simple steps. Clean washing machines of any yuck by running it empty with hot water and add one to two cups of vinegar, let it sit, and then run the machine through another cleaning cycle. Homemade laundry soap is easy to make and a little goes a long way. Find ingredients for a simple recipe of washing soda, borax, and castile soap at Thriftway. Also, try wool dryer balls for better drying time. When possible, use the power of the sun to dry clothes and linens with a clothesline.

While deep cleaning, make a change jar for easy and instant cash. Before donating jackets and purses, check the pockets for loose money. Collect coins lost in cushions while vacuuming furniture. Clearing out the junk drawer is sure to unearth forgotten change.

Reducing paper clutter and organizing bills by due date helps prevent late payments and fees or affecting credit scores resulting in higher interest rates. Better yet, sign up for electronic bills and payments and eliminate paper and missed payments.

A clean and cozy home is one people want to spend time in. By tackling clutter, entertaining others is more enjoyable. Instead of spending time and money outside of the home for stress-relief and get-togethers, a fresh house and a fun board game from Gabi’s Olympic Cards and Comics is a low-cost alternative to a night out.

After all the hard work organizing and deep cleaning, take the savings and found-money for a reward. Treat the family with a special treat from at Hawley’s Gelato & Coffee or use the money and savings to plan a fun summer vacation.

Wipe away winter with spring cleaning. Serious de-cluttering, reorganization, and scrubbing creates a more productive home. Spring cleaning can improve health by helping to remove allergens missed in a regular cleaning routine. Get the benefits of reduced stress with a little organization. Prepare for warmer weather now with cost-saving spring cleaning.

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