Center Stage: Spotlight on Evergreen Trees and Shrubs



Submitted by The Plant Place Nursery

Evergreen shrubs and conifers rarely get the spotlight, but they are a vital part of a well-rounded landscape plan.  Evergreens provide essential background and filler; a framework for other more noticeable plants.  What would a beautiful portrait be without a lovely frame?  Who would pack a fragile vase in a box with no padding?  Evergreen shrubs are that padding;  Mother Nature’s bubble wrap surrounding perennials and flowering shrubs.

If you already have beautiful, seasonal flowering plants, but it still seems like something is missing then maybe what your garden needs is some trusty, hard-working evergreen trees and shrubs.  They come in so many sizes, shapes, and colors ranging from dark green to lime yellow.  Give your landscaping that ‘little something extra’ that will set it above the rest.  Fill in the gaps, plump up your garden, and go from wonderful to WOW with evergreen trees and shrubs, the unsung heroes of home landscaping.

Now is the perfect time to shop at The Plant Place Nursery Retail Lot located at3333 South Bay Rd. NE Olympia, WA 98506.  Come see us from July 15th – August 9th for our big Summer Sale:  Everything is 15% off.


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