Loved Clothes Last!

April 18, 2024 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Browsers Books
107 Capitol Way N.
Olympia WA 98501

In a world of fast, disposable fashion we want to switch the script; It’s time for a Fashion Revolution! Let’s start wearing and loving what we have, buying less, buying better and making it last. Hopefully, we all still have cherished items in our closets that have lasted the test of time. Perhaps a leather jacket handed down by your grandfather, a necklace worn at the wedding of your great aunt, a cool bag you bought on your travels that is falling apart, but you keep mending it because it’s your favorite. Maybe you still wear your old ex-boyfriend’s big tshirt or your best friend gave you a sweater she knitted. Maybe you have a lucky tie you wore to an interview that got you your dream job. Whatever the cherished item is, we want you to bring it to Browsers and share your love story! Local designer and mender, Shari Trnka, will be with us too! You may have met her at the Oly Farmers Market where she has a booth of her designs and upcycled clothing. She has many stories from her time in the fashion industry. So, garb that special item and bring it to Browsers – We cant wait to celebrate it with you!