Submitted by Olympia Tumwater Foundation

Marking a major milestone in its nearly 70-year history, the Olympia Tumwater Foundation announced it has officially changed the name of its “Tumwater Falls Park” to “Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls.” The change is effective immediately, and will be incorporated across the foundation’s promotion and fundraising efforts in the coming months. The new name cohesively defines and distinguishes the historical significance of the park and reflects the foundation’s unique heritage.

The name Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls is a nod to the contributions of the Olympia Brewing Company and founding Schmidt family, which donated the land to the foundation and financed its construction. “The name change was based on feedback from park visitors, our stakeholders and our board of directors,” said board president Lee Wojnar.

Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls will also carry the iconic tagline “It’s the Water” which honors the past and commemorates the future of the park and surrounding historic district. “This is an opportune time for a name change, coinciding with the ‘craft brewing’ initiative by the City of Tumwater and the current refurbishment of the historic Old Brewhouse,” said John Freedman, the foundation’s executive director. “It is fitting that the new name honors the legacy of the Schmidt family, which has been so important to the wellbeing of this area.”

The falls of the Deschutes River have been a popular destination since the mid-19th century and remains a peerless recreation area, combining spectacular scenery with historical significance, and attracting over 250,000 visitors a year. Contrary to general perception, Brewery Park at Tumwater Fall is not a state or city funded recreation area. Created as a community gift in 1962 to preserve and sustain the natural habitat and history of the Deschutes River canyon, the park is maintained and open free of charge by the non-profit Olympia Tumwater Foundation.

The Olympia Tumwater Foundation (OTF) is a local charitable organization that traces its roots to the Schmidt family of Tumwater and the famous Olympia Brewing Company. It was created in 1950 by Peter G. Schmidt, Sr., long-time president of Olympia Brewing Company and oldest son of brewery founder Leopold Schmidt.

The original mission of the Foundation was one of general philanthropy. Over the years OTF has supported a range of worthwhile activities, from regional medical research to preservation of Northwest history. Today OTF is best known for the pair of properties it owns and maintains for public use – Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls and the historic Schmidt House. It is also acclaimed as the largest provider of college scholarships to high school seniors in Thurston County.

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