Submitted by City of Olympia

Each year, adult salmon make their journey back to the stream in which they hatched or imprinted to spawn. Some species travel a short distance, while others swim thousands of miles to complete their life cycle. Imagine learning about this northwest icon and being able to share the excitement of their return with others! Interested? Join Stream Team at our upcoming trainings, and become a Salmon Steward!

Required Training:

All new Salmon Steward volunteers must attend the three Basic Trainings and at least one of the field trainings. Please sign up for each training individually.

  • Wednesday, July 19 – Basic Training Part 1

6 – 8:30 p.m. / Olympia City Hall

  • Wednesday, July 26 – Basic Training Part 2

6 – 8:30 p.m. / Olympia City Hall

  • Wednesday, August 16 – Basic Training Part 3

6 – 8:30 p.m. / Olympia City Hall

  • Friday, August 18 – Field Training

9 – 10:30 a.m. / 5th Avenue Bridge Dam

  • Saturday, September 16 – Field Training

10 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. / Tumwater Falls Park

To register, visit www.streamteam.info and click on “register”, For more information, contact Michelle at mstevie@ci.olympia.wa.us.