Thurston Family Goes To The Movies



Submitted by Altman Insurance

When you walk into Altman Insurance Agency it is obvious to see what they enjoy. Movie posters featuring the movies Cars, The Wizard of Oz, and Star Wars, to name a few, decorate the walls of their business. It is a love that has been passed down from generation to generation. How does insurance and the love of movies relate? The Altman’s feel it is a common ground between them and the community.

“There are people who may not walk into a church, but will walk into a movie theater,” says Diane Altman.

The Altman’s are not just a family who want their business to grow, they also want the community to grow with them. They believe in giving back to the community and are proactive in partnering with the Chamber of Commerce and Marketplace Ministry. Through this they want to promote business and the church in any way possible. It was through this philosophy that brought the Altman’s to The Lost Medallion: The Adventures of Billy Stone, a fantasy book made into a full-length movie. Twelve year-old Nathan Altman read the novel by Bill Muir and turned to his parents, Brad and Diane, for support in bringing this film to Olympia. The family loves to reach out to the community and admits that it’s fun to promote a project in which their son is interested. “We heard about a thousand likes on Facebook and sponsorship. We started having a discussion about how we could make this happen,” says Diane.

The Lost Medallion is a jack-of-all-trades family movie featuring action, adventure, humor, and a sound message. The movie is safe and entertaining enough for the whole family to enjoy. Parents do not need to be wary of content so it’s safe for their children to invite friends to see it. It has positive message that God loves you and you are created for a purpose. The story follows two friends, Billy Stone and Allie, who discover a rare medallion and accidentally travel backward in time. They meet new friends and learn that great things can be accomplished when they work together.

Seth Himes, local screenwriter and producer who worked on behind-the-scene footage for The Lost Medallion, says “We are trying to make movies for a wider audience without compromising the gospel.” The Altman’s believe that entertainment with a message of love is far more important than entertainment for entertainment’s sake. “If something bothers you over and over again, it’s your responsibility to do something about it,” Himes explains. He also would like to see more production companies bring in more family friendly, Christian movies to our communities.

Kids want to do what other kids are doing and a movie that brings discussion can be used as a tool and this is what community needs. “Movies draw families together,” says Diane. “It’s a great book and a great message,” says Nathan.

The Lost Medallion opens March 15 2013 at Century Theatre at Capital Mall.

For more information go to

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