Elvis Bash Dash Brings Out Olympia’s Inner King


Sometimes, no matter the time or place, you have to bring out your inner King.  While Elvis may not have been known for his running ability, that didn’t stop a group of “King” enthusiasts from participating in the Elvis Birthday Bash Dash, part of Olympia’s 13th annual Elvis Birthday Bash Weekend.

The 5K/10K event began and ended at The Strong Center Health and Fitness Club on Mottman Road near South Puget Sound Community College.  There were plenty of Elvis related costumes donned by the group of runners, giving tribute to the famous performer who would have turned 78 on January 8th.  The run serves as a precursor to the Elvis Birthday Bash, which is at the Capitol Theater at 7:30 p.m. tonight.  For more information, visit www.elvisbirthdaybash.com