AdvoCare has helped improve my workout



I get better results in less time by using the Performance Elite products. I would like to highlight two products that I highly recommend for anyone wanting to increase their body’s ability to maintain, gain and/or protect their lean muscle. This is what AdvoCare science and medical board has to say about AdvoCare’s Muscle Gain, “It’s nearly impossible to get enough protein from diet alone without also getting excess calories, fat and carbohydrates. Muscle Gain® protein shake is a metabolically balanced blend of high-grade proteins that supplies amino acids and other nutrients that are essential to protein synthesis and muscle building in an easy-to-digest formula that includes digestive enzymes like papin and bromelain to improve absorption of protein. Because the muscles also need vitamins and minerals, Muscle Gain contains vitamins C and B-6 and calcium. This advanced formula offers a more comprehensive approach to sports performance than other brands of muscle-building, protein drinks.” I can say I feel the difference with this product. I love that it comes in two different flavors that taste great! I take it before my workout and as a mid-afternoon snack.


The next product I would like to introduce is AdvoCare’s Catalyst; it was originally created for the U.S Wrestling Team to help preserve the wrestler’s muscles as they cut weight before a match. Here is what our Science and Medical board says, ” Catalyst™ Amino Acid Supplement is a blend of essential branched-chain amino acids and L-glutamine that supplies your body with muscle-building components and sustains your muscles during exercise and reduced calorie intake.* Whether you’re trying to lose weight or gain muscle, Catalyst helps repair and protect muscles.* And it works great in conjunction with other AdvoCare® products like Spark™ Energy Drink and one of the Metabolic Nutrition Systems (MNS®). Other amino acids in Catalyst like L-arginine, taurine and betaine help fuel and maintain your muscles to support endurance and strength.* Combined with a healthy diet and exercise, Catalyst helps you retain muscle and reduce fat for a more toned and better defined look.*”

Now these are just 2 of over 70 products that we offer. We are the only company that tests for over 200 banned substances and we even have products for kids. Let me know how I can help you reach your personal health goals. Remember to check out all our products at WWW.SparkYouUp.Net and look for more products highlights next month.

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