Share The Ride – Save Cash!


Submitted by Intercity Transit

intercity transitDid you know transportation is the second-largest expense in most household budgets – accounting for up to 20%? And, with gas prices at near-record levels in our area, that number might be creeping even higher.

If you’re looking for ways to save cash, one of the best things you can do is drive less. You can drive less by combining trips (doing multiple errands at the same time), skipping the trip altogether, or sharing the ride. Share the ride by carpooling, vanpooling, or taking the bus.

You can save an average of: $190 per month riding the bus, $39 carpooling with just one other person, and $360 sharing the commute in a vanpool (savings will vary based on length of commute and other factors). Of course, you can save even more biking or walking!

Need help finding others with similar commutes to share the ride? Not sure how to get started riding the bus? No problem! Contact Intercity Transit at 360.786.1881 or

We can help you get on your way to saving cash! At least give it a try. You might find it’s easier than you think!

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