Lacey Fire District 3 is celebrating 75 years of service to the community

April 2, 2024 @ 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Pope John Paul II High School (The Old District HQ Station)
5608 Pacific Ave SE Lacey

Members of the public are invited to join Lacey Fire District’s 75th Anniversary!

The event will kick off at 2:00 PM at old Station 31, the current home of Pope John Paul II High School, 5608 Pacific Ave, SE. Antique fire apparatus from Lacey and local partner agencies will be on display highlighted by two centennial 1924 Model T engines. Guided tours of the building will be available providing a glimpse of the past when the structure served as the District’s headquarters station.
At 4:00 PM a short procession of the antiques and current fire apparatus will transition the festivities to an Open House at Station 31, 1231 Franz St SE. Activities will include station tours, displays of apparatus and historic memorabilia, activities for kids and light refreshments.

Come join the celebration!