Submitted by Thurston EDC
The Thurston Economic Development Council, in conjunction with the City of Lacey and Saint Martin’s University, is pleased to announce an Open House at the Lacey MakerSpace on Saturday, June 29.
The Lacey MakerSpace (LMS) is a community workshop that provides access to fabrication tools and instruction, allowing makers to design, collaborate, and produce creative projects. Through hands-on training combining the latest computerized fabrication machines and traditional tools, LMS makers have the opportunity to gain skills in 3D design & printing, laser cutting & engraving, CNC machines, welding, woodworking, and more. Find out more at!
The Open House is an opportunity for community members to tour the space and learn more about this new asset in Lacey.
WHO: Lacey MakerSpace
WHAT: Open House
WHEN: Saturday, June 29, 2019, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
WHERE: 16 Baran Drive Southeast, Lacey, WA 98503
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Joseph Anderson, Lacey MakerSpace Director
About the Thurston Economic Development Council and Center for Business & Innovation:
The Thurston Economic Development Council has been supporting a strong economy in Thurston County since 1982 with a mission to create a dynamic and sustainable economy that supports the values of the people who live and work in Thurston County. At the foundation of the work we do are three main principles: recruit, retain, and expand.
We work to maintain the health of local businesses by offering technical assistance and providing advocacy on their behalf. We present market opportunities to Thurston County employers, providing support for them to expand their operations. We actively attract investment and employment opportunities into our region through outreach, promotion and trade missions.
About the Lacey MakerSpace:
The Lacey MakerSpace is a physical location where people can gather to share resources and knowledge, work on projects, network, and build.
We provide tools and space in a community environment so you can start making whatever you can create. Skilled advisors will be available some of the time and we will offer classes, but often novices get help from other community users.
As a project of the Thurston Economic Development Council, makers interested in taking their creations to market gain entrepreneurial support to ensure their successful launch and growth. And with our community partners, we have a network of skilled leaders interested in the business success of our talented makers.