Grant Brings Reading Program to Black Hills High School

Great Stories Club
Black Hills High School is one of 75 schools selected nationally to participate in the Great Stories Club program.

Submitted by TOGETHER! 

The American Library Association has awarded a competitive grant to Black Hills High School and TOGETHER! to host a reading and discussion program for at-risk teens. As one of 75 nationwide “Great Stories Club” grant recipients, Black Hills High School library will work with small groups of teens to read and discuss three books in which young adult narrators use creative arts to move past challenges. The books, under the theme “The Art of Change: Creation, Growth and Transformation,” were chosen to resonate with reluctant readers who struggle with complex issues like incarceration, violence and poverty.

Participating teens will receive copies of each of the books. The Teacher Librarian also will attend an orientation workshop in Orlando, and receive project materials, training and support. The Great Stories Club is made possible by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. 

TOGETHER! works closely with Black Hills High School to address health and educational disparities that pose significant threats to the well-being and success of kids, families and the community.  The Great Stories Club is another way to address the diverse needs of students within a school setting. The project supports improving school outcomes for children and youth, increasing protective factors for individuals, and providing families with access to concrete community supports.

To find out more about TOGETHER!, visit To find out more about the Great Stories Club grant, contact Teacher Librarian Deb Nickerson at 360-709-7800 or TOGETHER! Community Schools Manager Jennifer Gould at 360-493-2230 ext. 22.