By Leslie Merchant
Top Five Things to do with a Thanksgiving Turkey:
- Roast
- Smoke
- Fry
- Bowl
Bowl? Yes, you read that correctly. At least that’s what the folks at Bayview Thriftway plan on doing with a frozen turkey on Saturday, November 23 when the Fourth Annual Turkey Bowl will be held from 11 a.m. ‘til the turkeys disappear.
Bowling with a frozen turkey might seem a bit odd, but it has turned into quite the sport for loyal Bayview customers. “Families and groups come out to do it,” exclaims store manager Caroll Lundblad. “We close off the frozen food aisle and use actual bowling pins and a frozen turkey. You must slide (the turkey), no bouncing allowed!”
The catch? Bowlers must donate one non-perishable food item for the Food Bank for a chance to try their luck. The first twelve gamers to bowl a strike will take home a 10-12 pound turkey for their celebratory feast. The first twelve participants to bowl a spare will win a consolation bag of assorted groceries. The event begins at 11 a.m. and continues until supplies run out. Line up for the first shot usually begins around 10:45 a.m. Boxy bowling shirts and personal bowling balls are not required.
Adults are not the only ones who can take part in the Thanksgiving fun. Kids are encouraged to take a shot using a Cornish game hen, which is of course more age appropriate. Bayview expects between 100-125 people to show up for a chance to win a bird.
“A few years ago a toddler won with a Cornish game hen!” Lundblad excitedly recounts. “And we had a gentleman bowl backwards and get a strike too.” With odds like that, how could anyone possibly pass up an opportunity to land a free gobbler?
Bayview invites all turkey lovers and curious spectators to the frozen food aisle on November 23 for a sport that is sure to whet appetites for the big Thanksgiving Day feast.
Locally-owned Bayview Thriftway is located at 516 West Fourth Avenue in downtown Olympia. In addition to creative Thanksgiving games, Bayview also offers a number of other inspirational activities such as themed cooking classes, Friday’s Uncorked wine tastings and produce Happy Hours.
What’s the best part about Turkey Bowling at Bayview? Participants are not required to don smelly worn bowling shoes.