Olympia And Lacey Remind Residents About 2013 Fireworks Regulations



Submitted by City of Lacey and City of Olympia

The cities of Lacey and Olympia remind residents and visitors that the sale and discharge of consumer (personal) fireworks are not allowed in either community. Novelty devices such as snakes, glowworms, and party poppers are permitted; however sparklers and all other types of fireworks are not. Fireworks purchased elsewhere, such as at tribal stands or fireworks sales booths in other communities, may not be used in Lacey or Olympia

A majority of voters in both communities approved propositions to ban consumer fireworks. Fireworks ordinances may be viewed on the cities’ websites: ci.lacey.wa.us/fireworks, and olympiawa.gov/fire.

Lacey continues its tradition of kicking off the area’s Independence Day celebrations with the Lacey Fireworks Spectacular on Wednesday, July 3. The Spectacular will be in the vicinity of William A. Bush Park, 4400 Chardonnay Drive NE, Lacey, beginning around 10:15 p.m. Another area tradition is the Tumwater 4th of July Parade, Artesian Festival and Fireworks Display on Thursday, July 4. Olympia’s fireworks show is later in July as the Grand Finale for the annual Capital Lakefair celebration, Sunday, July 21 in downtown Olympia at Heritage Park/Capitol Lake.

Residents and visitors celebrating Independence Day are urged to do so in a safe and enjoyable manner that is within the law. With everyone’s cooperation, our residents and pets will be safe, and our fire and police responders can focus on non-fireworks emergencies.


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