Submitted by Moms Demand Action
On Saturday, April 20, the Olympia faith community will join with Moms Demand Action to remember those we have lost to gun violence. April 20 marks the 14th anniversary of the tragic shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, CO.
Leaders from the faith community including Rev. George Ann Boyle (Saint Benedict Episcopal Church, Lacey), Rev. Sandy Brown (First Methodist Church, Seattle), along with Olympia-based Interfaith Works and Seattle-based Faith Action Network, will help ground us in our shared faiths.
Rev. Boyle says, “During the vigil, we will remember all victims of gun violence, and we will pray for ways to disarm our suspicion and move forward from anxiety and fear to fearless action together.”
The vigil will start at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 114 20th Ave SE, Olympia and will proceed to the Washington State Capitol, Tivoli Fountain.
Following the vigil, the group will march to the Washington State Capitol and hear from speakers in support of stronger gun laws such as background checks, high-capacity ammunition magazine limits, and other sensible and responsible federal and state proposals. Current speakers include Rep. Jaime Pedersen (WA 43rd Legislative District), Rep Mike Hope (WA 44th Legislative District), and Senator Karen Fraser (WA 22nd Legislative District).
Moms Demand Action WA\Olympia Volunteer, Jocelyn Wood, says, “As a nation, our response to gun violence has been to silence research, create loopholes, and turn a blind eye. That is no longer an option. We owe it to ourselves, and our children, to support gun violence measures and demand action.”
When: Saturday, April 20, 2013,
2:00 pm Interfaith Vigil
2:45 pm March to State Capitol
3:00 pm Rally for Gun Sense
About Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America
Much like Mothers Against Drunk Driving was created to change laws regarding drunk driving, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America ( was created to build support for common-sense gun legislation. The nonpartisan grassroots movement of American mothers is demanding new and stronger solutions to lax gun laws and loopholes that jeopardize the safety of our children and families. In just a few months, the organization has tens of thousands of members with more than 85 chapters across the United States.