Poetry Night: Alexandra Mattraw, Amber Nelson, Kathleen Byrd and Alejandro Acosta

August 2, 2018 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Browsers Bookshop
107 Capitol Way N
Olympia, WA 98501
Clare Follmann

Please join us for an evening of poetry at Browsers. Two local poets, Alejandro de Acosta and Kathleen Byrd will open. Two visiting poets, Alexandra Mattraw and Amber Neslon will also read from their work.


Alexandra Mattraw is a Berkeley poet whose first full-length book, small siren, emerges from Brooklyn’s Cultural Society in 2018. Alexandra is also the author of four chapbooks, including flood psalm (2017), published with Dancing Girl Press. Her poems and reviews have appeared in American Letters and Commentary, Denver Review, Fourteen Hills, The Poetry Project, VOLT, The Volta, and elsewhere. In Oakland, she curates an art centric writing and performance series called Lone Glen.

Amber Nelson is the author of the book In Anima: Urgency, and several chapbooks, most recently The Terror of Spring (Delete Press). Her second book of unnamed sexiest man alive poems is forthcoming in 2018 from Spooky Girlfriend Press. An alumna of the Evergreen State College (2005), she now lives in Seattle.

Alejandro de Acosta is a teacher, writer, and translator, in no particular order; he also works in publishing. He was born in Buenos Aires in 1972. A onetime participant in the zine and mail art milieu, in Austin, Texas he founded mufa::poema, a micropress that freely distributed a dozen poetry and prose chapbooks. With Joshua Beckman, he has translated the poetry of Carlos Oquendo de Amat (Five Meters of Poems, Ugly Duckling Presse) and Jorge Carrera Andrade (Micrograms, Wave Books, 2011). I have been living in Olympia, WA since 2014.

Kathleen Byrd teaches English at South Puget Sound Community College. Her poems have appeared in Pontoon, Crosscurrents, Godiva Speaks, Unspoken Northwest, and at a bus stop for the City of Olympia’s Poetry Rides the Bus. Her recent work explores early memories and the construction of a self and other selves, and her work continues to forge connections between landscape and interior-scapes. Originally from Seattle, Kathleen has lived in Olympia for 25 years.

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