Lacey’s Mandatory Odd-Even Watering Schedule Begins June 1


Submitted by City of Lacey

The City of Lacey’s mandatory odd-even watering schedule for yards and outdoor landscapes begins June 1 and goes through September 30.

Lacey water customers may water on the following days (see exemptions below) based on the last number in their address (e.g., 420 College Street):

  • Odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, and 9): Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
  • Even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8): Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.
  • Friday: No watering is allowed.

The odd-even watering schedule applies to grass, annual and perennial ornamental flowerbeds, vegetable gardens, and any other landscaping regularly maintained outside a residence or commercial building. Water used for other purposes such as pools, pressure washing, outdoor potted plants, hanging baskets, and plants stored inside greenhouses are not currently included under the watering schedule.

Customers with newly seeded lawns or recently installed landscapes can apply for an exemption by contacting Lacey Water Resources. Publicly owned facilities with active playfields are exempt from the mandatory schedule.

In 2006, the Lacey City Council adopted the odd-even watering practice to reduce peak water demand during the summer. This reduces the need to add costly infrastructure to meet the big increase in demand for only four months of the year.

For more details, including violation information, visit the City of Lacey website or contact Lacey Water Resources at (360) 491-5600 or