Lacey Receives Solsmart Silver Designation for Solar Energy Leadership


Submitted by City of Lacey

The City of Lacey (City) recently received a Silver designation from SolSmart for encouraging the growth of clean, affordable solar energy at the local level. This national program helps local governments reduce barriers to solar energy use for residents and businesses.

Local governments achieve Solsmart designation by meeting established criteria based on national best practices for building solar-friendly communities. The SolSmart team of experts offers no-cost technical assistance and resources to help communities put these practices into action. Those that meet the criteria are designated SolSmart Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze.

Lacey achieved a SolSmart Silver designation by training staff on best practices for permitting solar energy and solar-plus storage systems. In addition, the City established codes that allow homeowners throughout Lacey to install solar panels on their roofs.

These and other actions make it faster, easier, and more affordable for residents, businesses, and nonprofits to install solar in our community. In addition, the City has an online portal that simplifies applying for and getting a solar permit.

To learn more, visit the City’s solar webpage.

SolSmart is led by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. Over 500 cities, towns, counties, and regional organizations have achieved SolSmart designation since the program launched in 2016.

To find out more about SolSmart, visit the SolSmart website.