Thurston County Crossword Puzzle October 2022


Welcome to the Thurston County Crossword! This fun online puzzle gives you clues to businesses, places and things within Olympia, Lacey, Tenino, Tumwater, and throughout Thurston County. Move over Wordle, this puzzle is all about our community! 

This month’s Thurston County crossword theme is local fall fun! Can you figure out all the fun fall things Thurston County has to offer? (hint, it might not be a bad idea to check out these articles on fall activities and pumpkin patches!)

The Thurston County crossword is sponsored by Olympia Obstetrics & Gynecology. Located in Olympia, Olympia OB/GYN is dedicated to helping women before, during and after pregnancy receive the best care available.

Stumped? Be sure to follow ThurstonTalk on Facebook, where we will be dropping hints on those harder clues. Search for #thurstoncrossword!


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