Submitted by Port of Olympia

In accordance with Governor Jay Inslee’s announcement regarding partial re-opening of certain outdoor activities, the Port of Olympia will be reopening some facilities on May 5.
Beginning Tuesday, May 5, Billy Frank Jr. Park and Trail, Port Plaza, Swantown Boatworks, Swantown Marina public boat launch, Swantown boat launch parking lot, and the Swantown restrooms near BC docks will be reopened. All areas will have protocols in place to assure the safety and health of the public and the workers. We ask the public to adhere to these practices.
Billy Frank Jr. Park & Trail:
We welcome the public to enjoy this wonderful waterfront trail. A portion of the trail will remain closed to lessen pedestrian traffic within the Swantown Boatworks operational area. A detour for this section of the trail will be marked.
Port Plaza:
We request individuals practice social distancing while enjoying the Port Plaza.
Swantown Boatworks:
Swantown Boatworks will be operational, however, the office will remain closed to the public. Paperwork processing will be handled through a dropbox outside the office. We request anyone using the boatyard refrain from bringing guests with them, and all individuals in the boatyard maintain a 10-foot distance from Boatworks staff.
Swantown Marina boat launch:
Only one lane of the boat launch will be open at this time. Cones, markers, and signage will be present to indicate social distancing and traffic control from both the land and waterside. We ask the public to practice patience with those using the launch ramp. While we understand the desire to help others at the launch ramp, we request individuals practice social distancing.
Swantown boat launch parking:
We know many use this parking lot to enjoy the view. Please do enjoy the view, but keep your distance from others doing the same.
Swantown restrooms near BC docks:
The restrooms located near the boat launch will be reopened to the public during daytime hours. We ask people to not form any waiting lines inside the restroom and to practice patience while waiting for their turn.
We ask the public to adhere to appropriate social distancing as well as protocols for the safety and health of each other and the workers. Please help us keep these areas open by the continued practice of physical distancing and avoiding large groups.
If other COVID-19 related public safety concerns develop, the Port may be subject to closure of areas with limited notice to further protect public health and safety.
The Port of Olympia continues to take our lead from Thurston County Public Health. We encourage Thurston County residents to visit their website to stay up-to-date with the latest public health information and answers to specific questions about COVID-19. https://www.thurstoncountywa.gov/phss/Pages/coronavirus.aspx