Submitted by Mason Health

The grand opening of Mason Clinic is on the horizon in February of next year. The new 60,000-square-foot medical office building will be the new home for all of Mason Health’s clinics, with the exception of Hoodsport Family Clinic. The first clinics to move into the facility will be MGH Shelton Family Medicine and Orthopedics, the MGH Walk-In Clinic and the MGH Professional Way Lab Draw Station starting on February 24, 2020.

The District will hold a Grand Opening Ceremony for the new Mason Clinic on Friday, Feb. 21. The entire community is invited to attend. The following week, MGH Shelton Family Medicine and Orthopedics, the MGH Walk-In Clinic and the MGH Professional Way Lab Draw Station will begin to move to the new building and providers will start to see patients. All of the District’s clinics, except for Hoodsport Family Clinic, will transition to Mason Clinic by the end of the summer.

“The purpose of Mason Clinic is to improve our ability to serve our patients by offering an integrated team-based care approach,” said District CEO and Superintendent Eric Moll. “Mason Clinic will make it possible for the District to consolidate provider offices and patient services now located in multiple buildings east of the Hospital into a modern, accessible and patient-focused facility.”

Together, all of the moves will create a smoother and more integrated experience for patients and will enhance collaboration among providers. Exam rooms will increase from 71 to 110, allowing for easier access to health care services for patients and their families. The $35 million project did not require new tax revenue and has been financed by using revenue bonds issued by the District.

For updates on clinic moves, visit the Mason Health website or follow us on Facebook.

Mason Health, Public Hospital District No. 1 of Mason County, is certified by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and is a licensed and accredited acute care hospital with a level four emergency trauma designation. There are more than 100 physicians on staff in 19 specialties. Mason Health now offers 3D Mammography Services.  For more information on 3D mammograms or to find a health care provider, visit the Mason Health website.