Submitted by Lynessa Stone, Advanced Health Care V.P. of Marketing, planning member of the Lakefair 50+ Committee

You may have experienced the crowds, the sights, the food and rides of Lakefair over the years that it has been a summertime fixture in Olympia, but you’ve probably never experienced the annual event specifically geared towards this communities seniors: Lakefair’s 50+ in the Park.  If you find yourself in that “50+” age category or know someone who is, we invite you to come down Friday, July 13 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. to experience all that this day offers to our older, but wiser, citizens.

Dozens of local business, like ours at Advanced Health Care, that focus on helping our senior and older adult population will be there to provide information and resources to the community, all while providing free music, entertainment, prizes, and games!  Major sponsors include Clarus Eye Center, Artesian Place, Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates and the newly constructed Fieldstone Cooper Point community.

Danny Vernon returns as the beloved headliner in his “Illusion of Elvis” act.  Live demonstrations of ZUMBA and the performance of Mr. Nat Jackson, the “Jump Rope King” (fastest jump roper in the United States in the 70+ age category) will leave you impressed!

Raffle prize drawings held throughout the day and each business will have free giveaways at their booths, too! 50+ in the Park is a fantastic event for ALL AGES in our community and it’s FREE! We hope to see you there.

Lakefair weekend: Heritage Park, Friday, July 13 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.