Submitted by Terrabucha
New brew in town. Kombucha brew that is. Terrabucha is a kombucha brew like no other. The first in their product line is coffee kombucha. Wait. What? Yes, coffee kombucha.
First things first. What is kombucha? Kombucha has a long history dating back to the early years of A.D., about 2000 years ago, and originated in Asia. It is a fermented tea using beneficial bacteria and cultures. It is brewed with fresh, filtered water, tea, a little pure cane sugar, and a live colony of good bacteria and yeast. What you get is a slightly sweet-tart taste with a little effervescence. When people drink kombucha, they drink it for the healthy aspects it brings to your body. We can certainly use that with all the processed foods out there, stress, and the environment. Kombucha contains probiotics…the good gut bacteria your body needs to have a well balanced digestive system…..just like those probiotic yogurts or other fermented food. According to one wellness site, kombucha ‘contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and enzymes and has been prized by traditional cultures for its health-promoting properties.’
There are other kombuchas out there, so what makes ours different? We brew it with coffee from a local roaster. It is so clean and fresh tasting, slightly carmelly with a light coffee finish. 100% kombucha too. No fruity juices or fillers added. 100% Earth’s Natural Brew. We must note that adding a shot of whiskey or kahlua enhances the experience, as well as mixing it with a stout beer. Brew on brew. Dee-lish!
We started brewing coffee kombucha at home about four years ago and decided it was too good to just keep to ourselves. Last year we started our company, Evelise, whose name is derived from the combination of our mothers’ middle names — Evelyn and Louise. We lost both of them a few of years ago and they were so important to my and Dave’s lives we decided to pay tribute. Lori is the master brewer, bookkeeper, marketing director and President. Dave takes on the warehouse, distribution, bottling, apprentice brewing and general see it and I-can-fix-it master of everything else.
We rent the first commercial commissary kitchen in Thurston County and we are considered food processors according to the FDA. We are working on a new product — cold brewed coffee concentrate. Have you ever had a bad cup of coffee? Not so much bad tasting but left you with indigestion? TerraJava, our cold brewed coffee concentrate will eliminate that as it doesn’t have the acids and oils like a regular brew. What you get is a clean, smooth, delicious coffee. One ounce of coffee concentrate will yield one cup of coffee when adding 6 to 7 ounces of steaming water, or if you want an iced coffee just add cold water and some cubes. It stores in the fridge for up to six weeks. Voila! Super convenient! And no mess, no fuss. Lori used to doctor her coffee with cream and sugar but not so with this clean, honest brew. It’s great all by itself.
We are anxious to get our new product out in the market so Terrabucha has a crowdfunding campaign. Give a little or a lot but just give….to a local business. And share, share, share. You never know. You might find us on Shark Tank one day. Click here to learn more.
You can find Terrabucha coffee kombucha at Olympia Food Co-op East, and in the produce departments at Ralph’s Thriftway, Bayview, and the new Haggen store (formerly Albertson’s) at Lilly Road and Pacific Avenue. Come test drive this brew. We have tastings about once a month at various locations. Like us on FaceBook for news and dates, and check us out at
We love what we do. It’s Earth’s Natural Brew.